Function , Codes and symbols for Protection Relay REF615 IEC 60617

Lubis Technician - Hai apa kabar semua, trimakasih sudah visit ke blog kami, sebelumnya kami sudah membuat postingan artikel tentang Function , Codes and symbols for Protection Relay REF615 IEC 61850 part 1 dan Function , Codes and symbols for Protection Relay REF615 IEC 61850 part 2 semoga artikel e duanya bermanfaat untuk anda semua.

pada hari ini dikesempatan ini kami akan membuat postingan artikel yang berjudul: Function , Codes and symbols for Protection Relay REF615 IEC 60617.

kode dan Symbol ini dibutukan pada saat kita akan melihat Event ketika terjadi Fault pada ganguan jaringan listrik. Kode ini sangat penting, maka dari itu kami akan membuat kode dan pengertiannya.

Berikut Ini Adalah table Function, Codes and symbols for Protection Relay REF615 IEC 60617
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage3I> (1)
 3I> (2)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage3I>> (1)
 3I>> (2)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneous stage3I>>> (1)
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, low stage3I> -> (1)
 3I> -> (2)
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, high stage31>> -> (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stageIo> (1)
 Io> (2)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stageIo>> (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, instantaneous stageIo>>> (1)
Directional earth-fault protection, low stageIo> -> (1)
 Io> -> (2)
Directional earth-fault protection, high stageIo>> -> (1)
Admittance-based earth-fault protection 1)Yo> -> (1)
 Yo> -> (2)
 Yo> -> (3)
Wattmetric-based earth-fault protection 1)Po> -> (1)
 Po> -> (2)
 Po> -> (3)
Transient/intermittent earthfault protectionIo> ->IEF (1)
Harmonics-based earth-fault protection 1)Io>HA (1)
Non-directional (crosscountry) earth-fault protection, using calculated IoIo>> (1)
Negative-sequence overcurrent protectionI2> (1)
 I2> (2)
Phase discontinuity protectionI2/I1> (1)
Residual overvoltage protectionUo> (1)
 Uo> (2)
 Uo> (3)
Three-phase undervoltage protection3U< (1)
 3U< (2)
 3U< (3)
Three-phase overvoltage protection3U> (1)
 3U> (2)
 3U> (3)
Positive-sequence undervoltage protectionU1< (1)
Negative-sequence overvoltage protectionU2> (1)
Frequency protectionf>/f<,df/dt (1)
 f>/f<,df/dt (2)
 f>/f<,df/dt (3)
 f>/f<,df/dt (4)
Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution transformers3lth>F (1)
High impedance-based restricted earth-fault protectiondloHi> (1)
Circuit breaker failure protection3I>/Lo>BF (1)
Three-phase inrush detector 3I2f> (1)
Master tripMaster Trip (1)
 Master Trip (2)
 Master Trip (3)
 Master Trip (4)
 Master Trip (5)
Arc protectionARC (1)
 ARC (2)
 ARC (3)
Multi-purpose protection 2)MAP (1)
 MAP (2)
 MAP (3)
 MAP (4)
 MAP (5)
 MAP (6)
 MAP (7)
 MAP (8)
 MAP (9)
 MAP (10)
 MAP (11)
 MAP (12)
 MAP (13)
 MAP (14)
 MAP (15)
 MAP (16)
 MAP (17)
 MAP (18)
Fault locatorFLOC (1)
High impedance fault detectionHIF (1)
Current total demand distortionPQM3I (1)
Voltage total harmonic distortionPQM3U (1)
Voltage variationPQMU (1)
Circuit-breaker controlI <-> O CB (1)
Disconnector controlI <-> O DCC (1)
Earthing switch controlI <-> O ESC (1)
Disconnector position indicationI <-> O DC (1)
 I <-> O DC (2)
 I <-> O DC (3)
Earthing switch indication I <-> O ES (1)
 I <-> O ES (2)
 I <-> O ES (3)
AutoreclosingO -> I (1)
Synchronism and energizing checkSYNC (1)
Circuit-breaker condition monitoringCBCM (1)
Trip circuit supervisionTCS (1)
 TCS (2)
Current circuit supervisionMCS 3I (1)
Fuse failure supervisionFUSEF (1)
Runtime counter for machines and devicesOPTS (1)
Disturbance recorderRDR (1)
Load profile recordLOADPROF (1)
Three-phase current measurement3I (1)
Sequence current measurementI1, I2, I0 (1)
Residual current measurementIo (1)
 Io (2)
Three-phase voltage measurement3U (1)
 3U (2)
Residual voltage measurementUo (1)
Sequence voltage measurementU1, U2, U0 (1)
Three-phase power and energy measurementP, E (1)
RTD/mA measurementXX130 (RTD) (1)
Frequency measurementf (1)
IEC 61850-9-2 LE (Voltage sharing)3)

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