Functions, codes and symbols IEC 61850, IEC 60617 & IEC-ANSI For Protection Relay REF611

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Pada postingan artikel sebelumnya saya sudah membuat artikel tentang Functions, codes and symbols IEC 61850, IEC 60617 & IEC-ANSI For Protection Relay REM615 dan REF615.

Untuk kali ini kami akan membuat artikel di versi bawahnya yaitu Functions, codes and symbols IEC 61850, IEC 60617 & IEC-ANSI For Protection Relay REF611

Relay protection ABB ini, biasa anda temukan pada panel MV-Switchgear bertegangan menengah  yang terinstal di ruang listrik PLN ataupun Pabrik-pabrik sekarang.

Relay ABB REF611 sekarang kebanyakan di instal di panel Outgoin Fedeer MV - Switchgear 6.6kv ataupun 20kV.

Belajar Relay Protection REF611 tidaklah mudah, kita harus mengetahui karakteristik yg terdapat pada Protection Relay ini.

Ada beberapa Fungsi dalam Relay REF611, atau protection Over Current, Earth Fault dan banyak lagi fungsi didalamnya.

Relay ini bisa di setting nilai protectionnya dari manual relay ataupun mempergunakan sofware relay yaitu PCM600.

Yang perlu anda pelajari adalah kode didalam relay ini berupa IEC ataupun ANSI 

Contoh : Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage, instance 1  di symbolkan dengan IEC 61850 yaitu PHLPTOC1, IEC 60617 yaitu 3I> (1), IEC-ANSI yaitu 51P-1 (1).

Diatas adalah conto code yang ada di dalam protection relay, kalian harus menghafal atau menyimpan kode ini jika diperlukan pada saat melakukan setting relay ataupun mau melihat Event.

Berikut ini adalah Table Functions, codes and symbols IEC 61850, IEC 60617 & IEC-ANSI For Protection Relay REF611, table ini saya dapat dari catalog REF611 Sheet 50-51 : 

Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, lowstage, instance 1 PHLPTOC1 3I> (1) 51P-1 (1)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,high stage, instance 1 PHHPTOC1 3I>> (1) 51P-2 (1)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,high stage, instance 2 PHHPTOC2 3I>> (2) 51P-2 (2)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,instantaneous stage, instance 1 PHIPTOC1 3I>>> (1) 50P/51P (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage,instance 1 EFLPTOC1 Io> (1) 51N-1 (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage,instance 2 EFLPTOC2 Io> (2) 51N-1 (2)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage,instance 1 EFHPTOC1 Io>> (1) 51N-2 (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, instantaneousstage EFIPTOC1 Io>>> 50N/51N
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, lowstage, instance 1 DPHLPDOC1 3I> -> (1) 67-1(1)
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, lowstage, instance 2 DPHLPDOC2 3I> -> (2) 67-1(2)
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, highstage, instance 1 DPHHPDOC1 3I>> -> (1) 67-2(1)
Directional earth-fault protection, low stage, instance 1 DEFLPDEF1 Io> -> (1) 67N-1 (1)
Directional earth-fault protection, low stage, instance 2 DEFLPDEF2 Io> -> (2) 67N-1 (2)
Directional earth-fault protection, high stage DEFHPDEF1 Io>> -> 67N-2
Transient/intermittent earth-fault protection INTRPTEF1 Io> -> IEF 67NIEF
Non-directional (cross-country) earth fault protection,using calculated Io EFHPTOC1 Io>> (1) 51N-2 (1)
Negative-sequence overcurrent protection, instance 1 NSPTOC1 I2> (1) 46 (1)
Negative-sequence overcurrent protection, instance 2 NSPTOC2 I2> (2) 46 (2)
Phase discontinuity protection PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1> 46PD
Residual overvoltage protection, instance 1 ROVPTOV1 Uo> (1) 59G (1)
Residual overvoltage protection, instance 2 ROVPTOV2 Uo> (2) 59G (2)
Residual overvoltage protection, instance 3 ROVPTOV3 Uo> (3) 59G (3)
Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables anddistribution transformers T1PTTR1 3Ith>F 49F
Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF 51BF/51NBF
Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR1 3I2f> 68
Master trip, instance 1 TRPPTRC1 Master Trip (1) 94/86 (1)
Master trip, instance 2 TRPPTRC2 Master Trip (2) 94/86 (2)
Switch onto fault CBPSOF1 SOTF SOTF
Input switch group1) ISWGAPC ISWGAPC ISWGAPC
Output switch group2) OSWGAPC OSWGAPC OSWGAPC
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs)4) TPGAPC TP TP
Move (8 pcs), instance 1 MVGAPC MV (1) MV (1)
Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR1 I <-> O CB I <-> O CB
Autoreclosing DARREC1 O -> I 79
Condition monitoring and supervision
Trip circuit supervision, instance 1 TCSSCBR1 TCS (1) TCM (1)
Trip circuit supervision, instance 2 TCSSCBR2 TCS (2) TCM (2)
Disturbance recorder RDRE1 DR (1) DFR(1)
Fault recorder FLTRFRC1 - FR
Three-phase current measurement, instance 1 CMMXU1 3I 3I
Sequence current measurement CSMSQI1 I1, I2, I0 I1, I2, I0
Residual current measurement, instance 1 RESCMMXU1 Io In
Three-phase voltage measurement, instance 1 VMMXU1 3U 3U
Sequence voltage measurement, instance 1 VSMSQI1 U1, U2, U0 U1, U2, U0
Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU1 Uo Vn
Frequency measurement, instance 1 FMMXU1 f f
Three-phase power and energy measurement, instance1 PEMMXU1 P, E P, E

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