Function , Codes and symbols for Protection Relay REF615 IEC-ANSI

Lubis Technician - Helo, apa kabar semua, terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke blog kami, semoga anda semua diberikan kesehatan dan kelancaran Rezeki, Aamiin.

Sebelumnya saya sudah membuat postingan artikel tentang Fungtion Code IEC 61850 dan IEC 60617 semoga artikel yg kami buat bermanfaat untuk anda yang lagi membutukannya.

Pada kesempatan ini saya akan membuat postingan artikel yang berjudul: Function , Codes and symbols for Protection Relay REF615 IEC - ANSI.

Dibawah ini adalah table Function and codes REF615 IEC - ANSI 

Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage 51P-1 (1)
51P-1 (2)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage 51P-2 (1)
51P-2 (2)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneous stage 50P/51P (1)
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, low stage 67-1 (1)
67-1 (2)
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, high stage 67-2 (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage 51N-1 (1)
51N-1 (2)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage 51N-2 (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, instantaneous stage 50N/51N (1)
Directional earth-fault protection, low stage 67N-1 (1)
67N-1 (2)
Directional earth-fault protection, high stage 67N-2 (1)
Admittance-based earth-fault protection 1) 21YN (1)
21YN (2)
21YN (3)
Wattmetric-based earth-fault protection 1) 32N (1)
32N (2)
32N (3)
Transient/intermittent earthfault protection 67NIEF (1)
Harmonics-based earth-fault protection 1) 51NHA (1)
Non-directional (crosscountry) earth-fault protection, using calculated Io 51N-2 (1)
Negative-sequence overcurrent protection 46 (1)
46 (2)
Phase discontinuity protection 46PD (1)
Residual overvoltage protection 59G (1)
59G (2)
59G (3)
Three-phase undervoltage protection 27 (1)
27 (2)
27 (3)
Three-phase overvoltage protection 59 (1)
59 (2)
59 (3)
Positive-sequence undervoltage protection 47U+ (1)
Negative-sequence overvoltage protection 470- (1)
Frequency protection 81 (1)
81 (2)
81 (3)
81 (4)
Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution transformers 49F (1)
High impedance-based restricted earth-fault protection 87NH (1)
Circuit breaker failure protection 51BF/51NBF (1)
Three-phase inrush detector 68 (1)
Master trip 94/86 (1)
94/86 (2)
94/86 (3)
94/86 (4)
94/86 (5)
Arc protection 50L/50NL (1)
50L/50NL (2)
50L/50NL (3)
Multi-purpose protection 2) MAP (1)
MAP (2)
MAP (3)
MAP (4)
MAP (5)
MAP (6)
MAP (7)
MAP (8)
MAP (9)
MAP (10)
MAP (11)
MAP (12)
MAP (13)
MAP (14)
MAP (15)
MAP (16)
MAP (17)
MAP (18)
Fault locator 21FL (1)
High impedance fault detection HIZ (1)
Power quality
Current total demand distortion PQM3I (1)
Voltage total harmonic distortion PQM3V (1)
Voltage variation PQMV (1)
Circuit-breaker control I <-> O CB (1)
Disconnector control I <-> O DCC (1)
Earthing switch control I <-> O ESC (1)
Disconnector position indication I <-> O DC (1)
I <-> O DC (2)
I <-> O DC (3)
Earthing switch indication I <-> O ES (1)
I <-> O ES (2)
I <-> O ES (3)
Autoreclosing 79 (1)
Synchronism and energizing check 25 (1)
Condition monitoring
Circuit-breaker condition monitoring CBCM (1)
Trip circuit supervision TCM (1)
TCM (2)
Current circuit supervision MCS 3I (1)
Fuse failure supervision 60 (1)
Runtime counter for machines and devices OPTM (1)
Disturbance recorder DFR (1)
Load profile record LOADPROF (1)
Three-phase current measurement 3I (1)
Sequence current measurement I1, I2, I0 (1)
Residual current measurement In (1)
In (2)
Three-phase voltage measurement 3V (1)
3V (2)
Residual voltage measurement Vn (1)
Sequence voltage measurement V1, V2, V0 (1)
Three-phase power and energy measurement P, E (1)
RTD/mA measurement X130 (RTD) (1)
Frequency measurement f (1)
IEC 61850-9-2 LE (Voltage sharing)3) SMVSENDER

Diatas adalah funchtion and codes REF615 IEC - ANSI yang saya rangkum dari manual book Relay halaman 79 s/d 82 Feeder Protection and Control REF615.

Demikian artikel kali ini tentang Function , Codes and symbols for Protection Relay REF615 IEC-ANSI semoga bermanfaat untuk anda semua yang sedang membutuhkan.

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